Eyelids are often the first area of the face to show aging signs, not rarely linked to constitutional reasons.
The upper eyelid becomes heavy, "bags" and fine lines in correspondence of the lower eyelids appear. Blepharoplasty surgery can remove excess skin from the upper eyelid and the "bags" under the eyes, revitalizing and rejuvenating the patient's look. At the upper eyelid the resultant scars will be well concealed within the natural structures of the eyelid region and usually is no longer visible already after a short time from surgery. In lower blepharoplasty the scar is just below the edge of the lashes or even inside the eyelid itself
Surgery procedure
Surgery is performed under local anesthesia, with a slight sedation without any need for the patient to stay in hospital afterwards.
After- surgery
After surgery your eyes may swell and have bruises due to disappear in a short time.
The subtle wrinkles of the lower eyelid can be corrected by associating a laser treatment of the lower eyelid.
I would like to rejuvenate my eyes, but my countenance may change!
Blepharoplasty eliminates the bags under the eyes as well as excess skin, without absolutely changing the shape of the eyes unless the patient purposely asks. In some cases, indeed, it is the patient who requires a more almond-shaped aspect.
I would like to rejuvenate my eyes, but I'm afraid of anesthetic injections!
Even if surgery is performed under local anesthesia, being a general anesthesia absolutely disproportionate, a slight sedation is usually administered to reduce the sensation of pain produced by anesthetic infiltration.
